Apache Camel

Revision as of 02:57, 21 September 2018 by Rasimsen (talk | contribs)

manuals : http://camel.apache.org/manual.html



Apache Camel is a versatile Java-based open source enterprise service bus and supports most of the Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP). Camel is also known as a routing and mediation engine as it effectively routes data between endpoints, while taking heavy loads like transformation of data formats, endpoint connectivity, and much more. Apache Camel provides support for bean binding and seamless integration with popular frameworks such as CDI, Spring, Blueprint, and Guice. Camel empowers you to write rules and meditation in a variety of domain-specific languages (DSL) including Java-based Fluent API, Spring or Blueprint XML Configuration files, and a Scala DSL. Apache Camel uses URIs to work directly with any kind of Transport or messaging model such as HTTP, ActiveMQ, JMS, JBI, SCA, MINA, or CXF, as well as pluggable components and data format options.


Camel Context provides the runtime system. Processors handles things in between endpoints like routing, transformation, validation, enrichment, etc. Endpoints connects several systems to be integrated and it acts as URI or URL in a web application or destination JMS queue. Apache Camel offers different DSLs to realize the integration problems.

Download and Extract Apache Camel

Download the Apache Camel (Camel 2.19.1) from this link